Nolan GRS RPET Felt backpack
WoW! Rugged, practical urban ‘roll-top’ backpack made from sturdy RPET felt. The backpack has a large inner compartment and a pocket on the front. With carrying strap, roll closure and handy click system at the top. GRS-certified. Total recycled material: 80%. Capacity approx. 15 litres.
Product materials
Potential recyclability: no data available yet
30% Actual recyclability after use
Toxic substances: no data available yet
0% compostable
Environmental footprint data
Water consumption: 165.525 litres
Fossil energy consumption: no data available yet
CO2 footprint: 2.963 CO2 eq
- Environmental costs: €0.415
Manufacturing process
80% made from recycled materials
5% made from biobased materials
- Toxic substances: no data available yet
At least 80% GRS Recycled post-consumer PolyesterCertified by Control UnionCU1196704